The Roboto type family was first produced by Google for use as the system font for the mobile-oriented operating system Android, and later expanded to its web services. We use two Roboto typefaces, Roboto and Roboto Slab, on navy.mil for several reasons:
- Existing navy.com branding uses both
- As the family was designed for the screen and to be legible at small sizes, it works well in the browser
- Roboto and Roboto Slab are different enough to create strong contrast when used together.
Both Roboto and Roboto Slab are available to download from Google Fonts. Instructions for downloading fonts can be found in the Google Fonts FAQ.
Roboto on Google Fonts
Roboto Slab on Google Fonts
Web Font Usage
As font files are often among the largest assets served in response to a page request, they are a critical target for optimization. We use Google Fonts to dynamically load and serve font files because it provides an efficient compression and caching system.
Roboto on Google Fonts
Roboto Slab on Google Fonts
To Contribute
If you are interested in contributing, please visit: https://usnavy.github.io/Navy-Design-Guide/
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